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Message: Can't you feel the excitment?

The remark about excitment in very much tongue in cheek. ...57K traded across all trading platforms (lit and dark) on Thursday the 15th, and only ~33K of that on the TSX.  RVXCF traded less than 25K.  I know of plenty of stocks with only 25 to 50 million shares out that trade in the hundreds of thousands per day with gusts up to 1+ million on occassion for sustained periods.  Of course all those are Nasdaq so its not apples/apples...but still.  

One thought that keeps kicking around in my brain...I know we're all hopeful that BETonMACE blows the doors off, hoping for something like 30% or higher RRR on MACE, good numbers for CKD with eGFR, improvement in MOCA scores for cognition.  I've been thinking that in this scenario (call it a grand slam) that the PPS might get up in and around $25 to $30 in a very short time...

But the thought that kicks around my mind is this...what if Resverlogix continues as it has been and does very little to promote the results, even if they're awesome?  And what if instead of seeing the Market Cap explode to ~5 billion USD, instead we only get up around $1 billion USD....with our PPS maybe trading somewhere around $6 or so CDN.  Not that $6 is bad....its a heck of a lot better than $2.70 or $2.80 obviously.  After all the upcoming ESC is a scientific gathering, this isn't like a JP Morgan healthcare investor conference.  

Now before anyone hits the violation button, I'm not making a prediction...nor am I even expecting this, I'm simply saying "what it".  Obviously there is no precise formula or slide rule that determines a publcly traded company's value...in many ways I view as being very arbitrary....and I personally place a high degree of importance in the degree and effectiveness of promotion, news and hype because at the end of the day its all about supply and demand.  

That's part of the reason I sent that email to IR asking if Eastern's option exercise, resulting in a cash infusion of $3.75 million CAD would generate a PR.  My own view is that it should have....notwithstanding Eastern's own SEDAR filing.  I'm okay with the fact that they won't be putting out a Presser on it though...I'm done tilting at the Resverlogix windmill, its all good in my books. 

The reason I viewed that news as being material is that Resverlogix is operating on a shoestring, having already renegotiated the Third Eye loan twice....$3.75 million being infused struck me as material for a company that has auditors expressing doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern...but that's just me.  It seems the disclosure committee considered it and decided against disclosing anything beyond regular financial reporting.  

Had they put out a PR I think it could have helped spur some buying....reminding the market (or perhaps introducing the fact) that Eastern Capital aka billionaire Kenneth Dart is a major investor in Resverlogix.  If so maybe the company decided that's not something they're interested in doing at this point...spurring possible bullish interest, and that's fine.



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