In all of our "what if" scenarios for BoM, it's things like this that will keep value on RVX regardless of primary endpoint success. There is just too much clinical urgency with CVD, CKD, and dementia ... and too much financial opportunity. It's "out there" sooner preferably, or later. IMHO.
Broken record here, but ... success with primary MACE/CVD endpoints will kick just the door down much faster for several larger opportunities in addition to cardio. The existing and future potential opportunities are mind numbing.
If BoM frustratingly fails for primary, I do believe the pps will tumble initially though down to "stomach ache" levels from the past, but there will still be enough IP, Goodwill, and "potential" for a different track and path to success (probably with a deep pockets BP partner), if there is still promising primary and secondary data but without study endpoints success.
But broken record again, let's hope for primary success and good looking secondary data for a mammoth moon shot home run ... tickety-tockety