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Message: Musings about the Stock Price

Like many, I am surprised that 1-4 weeks? from TL results, the stock price sits at $2.80-2.85. Maybe early next week after the weekend presentations the sp will have a bit of a jump, but based on the past, doubtful. At this point, we all know the sp it pretty much irrelevant, but at a higher price, I and likely a few others would still maybe consider selling a few more shares to reduce the holding risk, but at this price, I will hold those shares.

If you are an RVX believer and don’t have your fill or wanted to take a flyer, I would suggest this is an excellent entry point  on the stock and warrants, although the volume on the warrants has disappeared so it would be extremely hard to build a position.

It appears we have a drug standoff. The longs have taken their positions, staying either status quo or reducing their risk through the sale of shares and/or flipping some shares for the new A warrants so they have greater leverage or for those in the last placement, they sold shares previously held, replaced them with the PP shares and got the warrants for a kicker. Whatever permutation or combination, the last couple months or so it appears many RVX investors either reduced their cost base and/or significantly upgraded their leverage.

The shorts are virtually nonexistent. It would appear the risk to be short is too high, even if you are not a believer.

So why is the sp still here I ask myself. Your guess is as good as mine, but I see the following 5 reasons:

1.   1.  Past RVX scientific performance 

2.   2.  Past RVX management performance or excessive exuberance

3.   3. Financing concerns throughout 

4.    4. Apabetalone is unproven 

5.    5. No catalyst such as a mainstream article emerged to give us a kick start 

So, we wait and the sp will prove to be the bargain of the century or not. Either way, at least we will know the topline results in very short order and all bets appear to have been placed - hopefully without any of the prior drama RVX has had with bear raids etc. before results are released.


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