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Message: Insider ownership

There are also a lot of people (like myself) that bought a significant portion of RVX at $.50 ... right now, if you can get out without cratering the pps, you can quadruple that money. My wife has been hounding me to sell, and reminding me why Buffet has more money than me ... getting rich from leaving profit on the table. I say goodbye, if that's your game (it's a good game), but I am in it to win ... let it ride.

But seriously, there are roughly 2 weeks to place final bets, or "escape" without risk and a tidy profit for some ... the majority are in it for the whole enchilada, and while the day to day blocks of 100 or 1000 may sometimes impact the pps, we all realize that the real news and real impact will be Sep 30 and it dwarf the day to day for either the better or the worse. So if you've bought in and are just waiting for TLD, the day to day doesn't matter unless you are looking for a hedge on some risk and/or just need a hit of natural endorfins now and again (which is nice for me too).

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