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Message: Stock Price Bro!


PomponiusCapital - The daily trading may not matter to you but does to other members of the board, along with the bid ask spread and the stock price. This forum is open to all persons who want to present their views in a respectable manor. A broker at Goldman Sachs may not have a clue what the results may be but one of their clients may. Your guess is as accurate as any other member of this board as we saw in the Share Price Contest which didn't include a guess from you.


It’s okay if you don't agree with others point of view or what is important to them, but do respect their right to share their thoughts with others on this board in a respectful way. You have the ability to Unfollow or Ignore posters that you disagree with more often than not. Please use one of those options if it helps you get through this tedium.


There is just 7 more trading days until we all hopefully have an answer to the $50 billion-dollar question. Hang in there, we are all in the same boat.


Thanks for playing nice with the rest of us.




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