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Message: A new 52 week low, but I don't think anyone cares....

"The previous trials for Apabetalone,... that produced results of 57% RRR and greater,... but with a different patient population,... also for 5 Point MACE and not 3 Point,.... were they also TIME TO FIRST OCCURANCE,... like our BETonMACE trial,..?"

I don't know about the specifics of the Phase 2 post-hoc analyses. Because ASSERT, SUSTAIN and ASSURE were designed to treat patients for 12-weeks, 24-weeks, or 26-weeks, there wasn't the within trial treatment duration variability like in BETonMACE. They could just be looking at the cumulative events at the end of the 12-26 week dosing and using those to calculate the %RRRs. This paper probably has specifics, but I don't have access. The event rates in the abstract appear similar to the cumulative event rates at around 210 days on the Kaplan-Meier curves in slide 16 of last year's AGM presentation.


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