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Message: Apabetalone MOA diagram

"Just an observation. It is interseting that the reduction in blood glucose was not observed until at least 12 weeks following initiation of treatment. That sound like about the same timing for the liver ALT's to subside. Would there be any coilation between those events?"

Interesting observation. Glucose control involves many organs and not just liver. But liver is critical. Could be farnesoid X receptor (FXR) related. The transient liver ALT may be related to changes to bile acid metabolism. FXR is important for both liver glucose metabolism and bile acid metabolism. Experiments in primary human hepatocytes have shown apabetalone to decrease FXR levels. Just a thought. The glucose and liver ALT changes my be completely unrelated too. Perhaps it takes time for an anti-inflammatory effect of apabetalone to improve insulin sensitivity and improve glucose metabolism.


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