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Message: poker game?

think some of us got it wrong believng the data annocment would be the river card.


maybe it goes something like this, the missing of the end point was/is the Flop - Turn card will be the AHA data  & the River card is?


Figured we got our money in good as were around a 60-70% fav with our hole cards,now we have seen the flop (missed end point)sucks & we drop to a 20% dog in a flash but we know we still have a shot & its starting to look like our odds are slowly moving up(recent days,weeks to go)now the turn comes (AHA Data) & our odds shoot back up to 70%+ - its down to the river  -we hit & go straight to market (maybe china) or a buyout would be considered good hits???


Any other river card & we have min 2-3 year wait to cash up???



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