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Message: Re: Webcast is up
Oct 31, 2019 04:14PM
Oct 31, 2019 04:22PM
Oct 31, 2019 04:38PM
Oct 31, 2019 04:51PM
Oct 31, 2019 05:18PM
Oct 31, 2019 07:00PM

I made it to the AGM after all today. I didn't expect to as I got summoned for jury selection on the RVX AGM day for the second year in a row. It was cancelled. I found DM a bit subdued before the meeting which was probably just him biting his tongue but he warmed as soon as he started talking. Although not totally definitive, I would say upbeat. Below are a few quotes that we can each make our own interpretation on.

"Real results, exciting results"

Referring to when we see the results, "Better than any of the top medications, therapeutics in the world"

" we didn't hit 95% but you'll find out how close we got soon enough"

"I'd like to tell you more but I can't"

" a lot of interest in this company"

As discussed by others already, an NDA approval now would be a long shot but DM said it has become common practice and they would probably try for it. He went at length showing where it has been successful and can be done with really good data. He said expanding BoM with additional patients to power it up has good potential and although not his preferred route, would be done if necessary. Also, new trials for varying indications is possible but expensive. He says partners are available for this.

I would think that maybe the Nov. 13 FDA Face to Face meeting would give a better feel about the NDA route now. On Nov. 18, there will be a pre-market open CC and webcast and additional end-point details released soon via news release.

When talking of safety, DM said he was, "very impressed with data". He also said that there will be at least one new patent filed from BETonMACE. Cognitive results to be released at CTAD conference on Dec. 4-7 and he said RVX on the 6th but added, "I think, not sure", but probably the 6th.

From Q&A, he said that the Atorvastatin/Rosuvastatin breakdown would be given on Nov. 18 as well as CKD results. He also stated that they are receiving "phenominal support" from HL and other major shareholders. A couple of quotes below from the Q&A:

"after September 30th, I have efficacy and safety".

"I think we're going to be able to help with a" segment. I moved the last word outside quotation marks as I can't remember if that was the exact word but that was it paraphrased.

Oct 31, 2019 07:48PM
Oct 31, 2019 08:10PM
Oct 31, 2019 10:04PM
Oct 31, 2019 10:27PM
Oct 31, 2019 11:09PM
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