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Message: Alzheimer's news

Some potential benefits to RVX from Green Valley's news.

They have data for 36 weeks - we have data for over 3 years for some patients

They hit 1 end point - we don't don't know today but will know shortly about an array of endpoints

We know we have an effect on inflamation, is it the right type?

And here is the best part; The consequences of a surprise win here can’t be overstated. Any new drug that can bend the course of the memory obliterating disease — after more than a decade of R&D drought in the field — is usually assigned a blockbuster peak sales estimate of $10 billion-plus. So this drug immediately becomes one of the most closely watched commodities in the pipeline. It’s also likely to inspire considerable skepticism.

From the little that we have heard about the BoM trial it sounds like there is a great safety profile that supports cronic use.

An interesting comment in the article that stood out to me; Without computing the percentage change from baseline, Green Valley highlighted that the mean difference the drug and placebo at week 36 was 2.54. None of the secondary endpoints — including CIBIC-plus, ADCS-ADL or NPI — were met. 

Dr Jeffrey Cummings who was one of the lead investigators in the Green Valley drug trial has also over seen the cognitive endpoint of our trial and will be the presenter of our data at CTAD on Dec 6th. Maybe he will comment on the differences and similarities between of these 2 unique approaches.

I sure like that assignment of peak sales of $10 billion-plus for drugs that look like they have a successful future in this area. That could make for a Merry Christmas.


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