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Message: Comments on the AGM

tada ... nail on head, in my view. We don't "KNOW" but I am highly confident the stats & numbers will shine when they come out. Don went to great lengths preparing us for forest plot graphs, primping data, key datas, etc ... If that is indeed the case, agreed, this is all about the FDA, and positioning/time/risk to market.

While the VAST "potential" is intoxicationg from both a clinical healthcare perspective, in addition to financial interests, investors and BP's need to decipher the likelihood and timing for actually becoming a commercial opportunity. Yeah data data data, but also FDA FDA FDA .... but I am also very curious about near term options in other markets not governed by the FDA, specifically Asia given our partners and their interests and political clout. We want to tread lightly with the FDA, just like academia though, because we/others will need them long term also.

Soooo ... in my mind, I am wondering about the near term opportunities versus the longer term opportunities (more studies for Cardio/Renal/Cognitive??) ... and how to quantify that "risk" and assess a value to the entire proposition of "opportunity" versus "risk" ... it may be priced one way today, and another way in 3-5 years after more studies and assessments of the drug in action.

Do you take $4-8b now, or roll the dice for $20b later? Something in-between if we "hold out" and move down the path further? There is still risk of approval, and maybe confusion about how it works and would be deployed, epigentics/acceptance overall? Potential buyers are surely making the same calculations of opportunity versus risk, efficacy & "acceptance" ..... I think we will have a much clearer picture over the next month, but others will know sooner, and probably already know many of these answers pending FDA mtg/position for that penultimate variable for the opportunity/time/risk equation.

"IF" the FDA is favorable with good data data data across all areas, the price goes up dramatically. The tone and tenor of the academia/clinical sector could be HUGE as well, which is why we "play ball" with them and their embargos.

The "narrow" (whatever that means?) TLD miss really stings in the short term, so we need to learn more about the actual path to approval and commercial viability and time frames & costs .... the FDA meeting will already have the data data data "baked in" so while I am uber excited about Nov 16, Nov 18, and Dec 6, I am 1000 times more excited about Nov 13 (+30 days?) ... FDA FDA FDA ...

If data data data + FDA FDA FDA = good good good? ... an explosive December? I like hearing that somewhere between $4-8b is the "floor" though, as it sits right now, if that is the case?

The money that RVX could be worth is staggering if "everything" materializes over 3-5 years, or sooner, so I would think BP's will want to jump in and grab it while it is still a bargain, and take it to blockbuster status, once enough risk is removed (FDA FDA FDA).

Don't have the time to do the research, but I am sure there are countless technologies purchased at an early undeveloped stage at a bargain before the acquisition price skyrockets as commericalization approaches, then taken to great successes by those with the wherewithall and resources to do it more effectively (usually not the original entrepreneur).

All JMHO's though ... glta 

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