Welcome Telepanel
I don't think there is a sole on this board that doesn't agree with you on the notability of RVX. Personally it would shock me if even 2% of people in Calgary, their home town, have even heard of them. Hopefully the world will know of them shortly.
You will find a Welcome to the RVX Hub link on page 5 of the Link Library. There is a treasure trove of information that BearDownAZ has painstakingly put together for anyone who wants to know more about apabetalone or the company that you can access from that one spot.
Please take a few minutes to review the rules for posting on any Agoracom.com hub. When you are reviewing others posts please take a second to Recommend a post that is worthwhile for others to read. You will find that Recommend button on the lower right side of every post. Also please Rate posters that you think warrant a rating. To rate a poster touch one of the blue stars just above the top of each post. This is on a 1 to 5 star rating. 5 for great job you've put a lot of thought and or research into that or 1 for, it would be best for you to go back to the drawing board. Of course, there is middle ground as well.
Again, welcome to the RVX Hub. We look forward to seeing you participate in the future.