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Message: Kidney data rocks!

"So placebo improved eGFR more than Apabetalone,.... that can't be good,...?"

The -0.4 vs. +2.2 for total population is statistically significant, but clinically insignificant since this is change from total population baseline eGFR (eGFR~99). We need to wait for the CKD subgroup eGFR<60 data to know if apbetalone improved this group.


"so bear basically things don't look all that impressive?"

The forest plot looks amazing. Benefit clearly trending in the right direction for everything except there was no effect on stroke. 

As expected, apabetalone increased HDL-C and decreased alkaline phosphatase. 

No statin synergy on 3-point MACE.

Biggest thing that caught my eye was 50% RRR for 3-point MACE in those patients w/ baseline eGFR<60. 

No significant effects on glucose, HbA1c or LDL-C, though these increased more in the placebo than apabetalone groups. No difference in hsCRP.


"Are we going to know the results of the kidney substudy on Monday?"

Yes I expect the company to emphasize this.



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