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Message: AGM comment - Monday more important than today?

“And then on the morning of November 18th, which is the Monday, the 16th is a Saturday,

On the Monday pre-market, I will be doing a webcast discussing the data in even greater detail.

Basically “lifting the kimono” so to speak.

We’re really looking forward to that date and to being able to share that with you.

It’s fantastic for us to have this kind of Phase III data.”


Don seemed more excited for the webcast than for the late breaker presentation.

There is plenty of potential data that can be presented on Monday am that may alleviate some anxiety here. That being said, I’m not sure anxiety is warranted given the presentation today. The best the scientists could say was always going to be that it warrants further study. That is scientific convention at these conferences. The alternative would be that the molecule is harmful and should not be studied! 

Anyway, perhaps Don will highlight a group that responds better. Perhaps just a simple measurement of Alk Phos will determine which patients are responding to the drug?




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