First, let’s consider the market cap of Big Pharma.
Pfizer $206B US
Astra Zenica $123B US
Merck $216B US
Resverlogix has a market cap of around $300 million US.
If Big Pharma thinks there is any possibility this drug makes it to market on a MACE indication, it seems logical they would be interested.
Based on the results and the Forest Plot specifically, there is a very strong possibility that this drug will be approved at some point.
The big question will be price and deal structure.
Amarin has a market cap over $8 Billion. They also face competition from other players in that space and upcoming trial readouts.
RVX is a minnow that Big Pharma can easily afford to swallow at a hefty premium. We can’t expect $8 Billion but something with a B should work.