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Message: BETonMACE summary from Webcast 11/18/19

"The lack of complete hsCRP data or any apo-AI data is very surprising to me."

I tweeted to Dr. Ray "Great presentation at #AHA19 Dr. Ray. I saw it remotely, not in person. Just curious why there was no baseline or on-treatment apo-AI data shared on Saturday. Also, why were baseline/treatment hsCRP only on sub-set of patients and not whole population? Is this data still coming?"

Dr. Ray kindly answered my inquiry. Sounds like they have yet not completed all of the planned measurements in the collected and archived patient samples. But importantly, they have the samples.

"It was an 8 min presentation . We don’t believe the drug works through A1 and blood banked so CRP can be done in whole cohort"



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