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Message: Dr. Ray versus Donald McCaffrey - A huge disconnect...

Hi Growacet -

For whatever it's worth, I think Dr. Ray was as enthusiastic as he could be in that setting, given the results.

The pertinent numbers are what they are, despite the promise reflected in the data. 

Dr. Ray's post-talk discussion on the AHA video also sounded quite encouraging.

I had objected to Dr. Nichols' characterization back in the day, but I think Dr. Ray walked the razor's edge with finesse.

It does appear that there is something golden here for certain cohorts, and maybe for more than even examined yet. And it seems to be  broadly beneficial, but maybe not quite the broad-based CV silver bullet we had all initially hoped for.  Still plenty amazing at that. But the trial was powered for the silver bullet we thought we had, and it did fail the defined endpoint, despite what seems to be real promise.  He could not stand there and wax poetic in the face of the statistical results.  But it seemed to me that he went as far as he could to highlight the reasons why there might still be great promise in the approach.

Both Dr. Ray and Dr. Shah referred to consistent trends, underpowering, and plausible clinical basis for nominally significant results. In conference speak, i suspect that is high praise for a study that failed to meet its endpoint.

I like Don. I like his dogged enthusiasm and folksy vibe even when i grimace at certain statements or think he could use a good editor. And it is his job to market and be enthusiastic. But... with zero criticism intended whatsoever, and likely by choice, he does not speak like an academic. 

Dr. Ray on the other hand is a seasoned and respected academic, and was speaking at an academic venue. His reserve was appropriate, and his cautiously enthusiasric statements were supportive.

Not so much a disconnnect, as different styles for different roles. 

Dr. Ray: Academic precision that cautiously acknowledges and looks forward to further investigation of apparent promise. 

Don McCaffrey: Enthusiastic promotion of a product he believes in, believes the data supports in multiple ways, and has the responsibility to market.

Apples and oranges are both tasty.

Just my take.


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