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Message: eGFR and Cognition?

First, I am assuming that the FDA has indicated that they would give RVX Breakthrough Therapy in some indication.  Otherwise, RVX can be rightly accused of misleading guidance.  

Clearly, ABET won't pass muster as a heart disease drug on its own.  Dr Svati Shah has already read us the riot act..."...not ready for use in patients".  But Dr Shah may not have fully appreciated the renal angle to our beauty. 

The FDA...which was briefed on each and every data we could muster...must have decided that we are indeed fit for human patients...based on something that jumped out at them.  Well...if our renal data does not make the FDA's heart beat faster, then I don't know what will.  Either that...or the still to be announced Vascular Dementia stuff sent the FDA's pulse racing.

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