Number here includes the total of warrants, I just realised its only the ones from 1.40 to 4.00$
15,593,428 owned by non-insiders
16,600,994 owned by insiders
32,194,422 total warrants reported at their last FS.
If everybody takes the incitative at 1.33 exercised, RVX would gather 20.7M. If everyone exercised at their strike price, it would have been 40M. So there's a 19.3M$ incitative. Divided by 250M outstanding shares, its less than 8 cents per share. If everyone uses the incitative.
Instead, if they raised 20.7M by a PP, they would add lets say 15M new shares. 500M Buyout on 265M shares instead of 250, the PPS drops from 2$ to 1.89$ a 11c difference. The difference widens if the buyout number goes up.
So, if it was done with a buyout in a short term plan, it all makes sense. I guess we'll know more by the end of the next webcast.