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Message: 4-8b guess

RVX seems to be spending most of their time, promotion, and resources in 3 primary areas ...

Regulatory, science & academia - advance and prove the science, learn more, advance toward and gain acceptance

Big investors - keep the lights on, fund “work” toward the above goals, working toward eventual ROI

BP - private partnering and deal discussions, for the above items and/or buy out (ultimate goal, and product of the “work”)

 We see very little in terms of general market promotion, outside those areas above. As others have pointed out, promotion in the retail market involves cost/risk. RVX Seems to be focused on the areas that they think are more geared toward longer term success and eventually investor ROI and pay out. They “seem” (to me anyway) to think they have the eyes and ears of those that are most important, at this time in RVX development, without a need to “publicize” and pump the PPS. 

This seems to all be geared toward proving concepts to a point of “clear” tracking toward the approvals/commercialization goals, that makes it an easy hand-off to a final investor/buyer.

Doesn’t appear to be any desire or need to pump the retail market.

I’m sure if/when a BP owns this technology, the promotional activity will be a little different, because they are much more geared toward ongoing shareholder and stakeholder value, and quarterly/annual reports. RVX is still a speculative development company looking for a different kind of endpoint.

What we don’t really know, is what is an acceptable ROI for either/both of RVX and BP … given the remaining risks/time and the potential markets, and some additional definitions/proof yet to be delivered? I think some big moves will need to be made in the next 3 to 6 months, of one kind or another, like most of us here believe now.



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