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Message: With things being so quiet...how about another metaphor

Personally I think we're gonna be drifting until the new year, maybe in January we'll get that big catalyst we're all hoping for.  Until then, we're surviving....$1.04 or whatever ain't much, but it sure beats the 30 odd cents we were trading at briefly in the immediate wake of the Top-Line failure announcement.  

Time for the metaphor, to me RVX is Rocky and the market is Thunderlips aka Hogan. 

The Top-Line failure to me was like when Rocky was lifted up and then dropped over the Hulk's knee....watch around the 3:15 mark of this video and tell me how (if this was real) a man's back would not be broken.  I still cannot get over the fact that RVX recovered from the back breaking blow of top-line failure.  Hopefully RVX takes its gloves off in the new year and climbs back in the ring and does some heavy lifiting on our PPS.

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