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Message: Re: Nice run for Hepa over the holidays

Is PFE going to make a move on both RVX & Zenith? - it's an odd quiet feeling , for me anyway.

 On the Hepa front , my Chinese friends are having trouble getting info, Hepa's wasnt even answering their phone yesterday when they called but as it turns out my partners sister lives in the same city as Hepa Headquaters & will be going there to see if she can speak to somebody in person tmr morning(evening here tonight).

My partner can't even get onto Hepa's website with her chinese phone so their all becoming more curious - one of them thought Hepa might even be a potential player/buyer, i had no comment. Maybe with our new board member/chinese connection theres things going on i that i just cant wrap my head around.Perhaps the Chinese market is ready to give the go ahead on parts of this science, wouldnt then become a no brainer for Hepa to grab/buy part of rvx up or the whole thing????


Somebody knows, not I.



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