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Message: Warrant incentive + end of March timing

In my eyes it only seems fishy if in fact there was participation resulting in them raising significant funds.  If no money (or a very small amount like ~$200k or so) was raised, then I don't expect disclosure about something that didn't happen.  

But I have to remind myself that this is Resverlogix here....and my take on things is worthless in the grand scheme of things.  I thought announcing a MACE number automatically meant that they were confirmed events and did not include events that were merely suspected.  When is an event an actual event?  After its been confirmed, and not before that.  But all that mattered then and all that matters now is what Resverlogix decides is material.

Back at the start of June when they engaged a promotional outfit ahead of a share offering, that too was material in my view....it sure didn't hurt the PPS at the time, at least until they announced the offering.   

If we find out that the company raised a few million with the incentive program I'm not going to be happy about it, but I won't do anything except do a slow burn.  Its a big boy world and I know that guppies like me have to deal with the crumbs falling from the table, that's reality whether I like it or not.  

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