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Message: Surf's up

Just my 2 Canadian cents about why a hedge fund wouldn't look at RVX imo....

Firstly Hedgies are pros, they're not using discount brokerages and hitting the buy and sell button from a desktop computer, they're engaged with professionals, market maker broker dealers.  

So let's say ABC Hedge fund wants to buy 100K shares of RVX?  He calls his broker.  IMO the MMBD is going to tell ABC, 'sorry, I can't get you 100K of RVX there isn't enough depth on the ask, I might be able to get you 5K this week, give me 6 months and maybe I can get 100K'.

Could ABC then just slam a market order through?  Damn the torpedos full steam ahead, I don't care if I push the PPS to $6 in a week long buying frenzy!!!  This is opinion....and my opinion is no he couldn't/wouldn't for the simple reasons that 'birds of a feather'.  Its my view that doing so would destroy the relationship that ABC has with the MMBD he uses....and word would travel fast.  

Its a big club....and we ain't in it.  

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