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Message: Re: My guess is a second BTD is coming

"$8 billion, eh?  Someone is totally off...either we are missing something big...or the market at $250 million is clueless."

Iconoclast thanks for posting the SA article, in my mind it certainly goes to further supporting Don's EV number plus a BT status premium. 

IMO the market at $250M is in fact somewhat informed clueless. For a long time many of us here have pointed out management's short comings from a business perspective.  I think that still keeps many investors away. Some from a perspective of looking at the company and seeing that it has rarely achieved it's business targets and has never had a clearly successful major trial and others from the perspective of having been burned by the stock already.  Case in point the professional money manager who introduced me to RVX 13 years ago was burned big time with RVX at the time of ASSURE and when I run into him he still maintains he has not and will not ever look at RVX. I can see his point that when he has lost money for a large number of people once with any given spec stock he can not risk his reputation by being burned by the same stock a second time. I know for fact that he is not the only money manager who feels this way.

My guess in general is that a lot of potential investors who have kept up with the company feel it is so undervalued that there is plenty of upside and they can trade the appreciation once it has been even further de-risked. There have been many examples, I believe you gave some in a recent post, of biotechs that suddenly meaningfully appreciate over a short period of time and then make the announcement that they are being bought out for a premium over the recent appreciation. I think there are a lot of investors who would be very happy to take way less risk and capture some of the appreciation prior to a buyout as well as capture the buyout premium to market. I view those of us here now as the "early adopters" if you will, while the masses are still sitting on the sidelines. Again all JMO

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