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Message: Re: Narrowing wedge...
Feb 10, 2020 12:05PM
Feb 10, 2020 12:16PM

No kidding....I am in pretty much full agreement with everyone who's saying that the PPS is pretty much irrelevant at this stage, the value of Apabetalone is not reflected in Resverlogix's market cap imo....I think there's broad based agreement on that.  

Still, its one thing to say the PPS is irrelevant, and another thing not to care what the PPS is.  I doubt I'm alone in wanting to open up my brokerage accounts and to see a healthier dollar figure associated with my holdings.  

My conspiratorial 'the market is rigged' mindset has me thinking that Monday's rally was indeed squelched by players borrowing and dumping shares back into the market....and that now the game is afoot trying to cover off those shares that were borrowed. 

JM(not always so)HO  

Feb 10, 2020 01:37PM
Feb 10, 2020 01:55PM
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