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Message: Years ago

.....when the currrent group of regular posters were not even in this stock, DM used to compare RVX with Esperion (the controlling shareholder and founder, Roger Newton, who also was the founder of Lipitor). Interestingly I had breakfast with him back in 2007, when I flew to Calgary to meet DM, Dr. Wong and at the time, the hype was really huge, and it was a big deal that he had joined the board of RVX....but suddenly he was gone.....never to be heard from again. 

Point being,  Esperion, although being an injectable, hangs consistently in the upper double digits, currently at $73 per share. For two drugs which have been touted as “big time winners” over the long haul, it is certainly a case here for a “Tale of Two Cities” metaphor.

Anyone care to comment on this big gap in valuation over the years beside the obvious ...that we didn’t make our endpoint. (By the way I’ve been in the Esperion camp also for many years and happy with the investment, just not in it in a big way like RVX)

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