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Message: Re: How about another price guessing contest?

I have no animosity to anyone posting negative feelings or analysis, especially when they back up the rationale for their view.

I'm very hopeful and optimistic that we're on the cusp of a long and protracted run higher...not without hiccups along the way of course, but I'm hopeful the broader trend upward that started during the latter part of December continues.   I posted this chart over on stocktwits that illustrates what I'm seeing:  https://stocktwits.com/growacet/message/195461480

More than ever I'm convinced that Apabetalone specifically and Resverlogix generally is going to be rewarded with a much higher market cap...$2 billion USD is my mark, and I think that's conservative and due to having only a TSX listing.  In terms of a PPS I'm thinking $10+ CDN.....but I don't think that's a realistic target over the next month, so if I had to guess right now I'd say $4 by the time March 26th rolls around....then we'll see what is presented and how the market reacts.



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