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Message: How about another price guessing contest?

GAC - I say that since Sep 30/19 we have looked forward to a number of events that have provided hope that the price of a failed trial could somehow be reversed.  It just hasn't happened.  That is not to say that there hasn't been some promising data that has come out of the trial.  There has. However, all of this data is based on numbers that clearly require further corroboration in the scope of a larger trial.  After the P2 trials there were very lofty RRR numbers being bandied about that just didn't hold up in BoM.  So, who is to say that any of the post-hoc data from BoM will?

I know that I'm going to get slammed for being negative, but I'm not trying to be negative.  I think we just need to be realistic.

What we do have now that we didn't have before Sep 30/19 is a clearer path to commercialization. Thanks to a favourable FDA environment, the initial BTD awarded a few weeks ago and the hope of another for CKD may provide the catalysts for actually getting this drug to market.  If that gets confirmed then the financial markets should respond accordingly.  It would also fuel buyout talks that could result in the kind of returns that everyone on this board is really hoping for.  


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