Very valuable BDZ. Thanks.
As you know, normally for authors to make such a definite statement in a title they have to be very confident it can be defended. Also, as this is a late-breaking session, they must be planning to say more about CVD in CKD than they said at the AHA.
Perhaps, they've looked at the results in more detail in some way, done additional stats, added data from another study or from an extended open-label follow-up of the BETonMACE participants, or something else. It should interesting, and possibly very important, but perhaps not what we have all been expecting.
I'm a little disappointed the CHF result was accepted for the cardiology meeting only as a poster (usually reserved for presentations considered by the organizers to be less important than those selected for the oral presentation). However, this might merely be because the principal result has already been presented at the AHA. It's very good it's on the programme, nevertheless, as it's a recognition by top cardiologists of its importance.