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Message: From the NKF Facebook Page...

"I'm going to be going off all social media during Lent, I'll still be watching the trading....but facebook/twitter/agora/stocktwits and any other social media type site, I'm taking a 40 day break, which for me won't be easy...my intention is to not even log on to anything.  Wish me luck...its almost habit to simply log in and start scrolling."

I added the potential H1 2020 event list to the link library. Good luck with that Growacet! 3 confirmed events prior to Easter (ACC/WCC, NKF, AAT-AD/PD) and a potential showing at Roth and/or BIO-Europe during that time too. There's going to be a lot of new info during Lent. Might be easy to stay quite prior to the coming presentation storm. But once it starts, I for one couldn't adhere to any promise of silence!


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