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Message: Dulaglutide

Thanks iconoclast!

I think this is the key part of the article (my bolding);

"Approval relied heavily on results from the phase III REWIND trial, presented at the 2019 meeting of the American Diabetes Association, which found a 12% risk reduction for a composite of non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes. In this broad population of adults with diabetes and varying degrees of cardiovascular risk, dulaglutide's benefit was mainly driven by a drop in nonfatal stroke risk."

I don't see this result as being much of a threat to what Apabetalone will show.  And given that dulaglutide is mainly stroke prevention, it sounds like its a good combination drug for Apabetalone given that Apabetalone shines in the other parts of the compostite (plus CHF) and not at all for strokes.

Perhaps a combo drug is a way for Apabetalone to get quick(er) access to the primary prevention market, which is mega-huge.


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