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Message: RVX Current Status

Nextblockbuster’s concluding comment on his recent post was “How long does it take to do a BP deal ,?  that was 4 months ago”.

Not like I am counting, but it is 5 months since the results were posted Sept 30th that BETonMACE did not meet the primary endpoint. Obviously, the data at that point still was/is coming and we wait until next month for further data not publicly disclosed.

One would assume RVX has had a data room of some type open for years and it has had for several months a massive amount of data re BETonMace added and maybe still being added.

In my world of private enterprise, where a company is eventually sold, a LOI would have been expected by now, not always, but usually.

I understand that the Bio-tech/Pharma world is another animal with massive DD required from a scientific and legal standpoint and each deal is subject to its own vagaries, so I ask those with experience in that world - when do they start to worry a deal is not going to happen or the interest is so luck-warm any deal or partnering will be very one-sided?


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