It will be everywhere in North America soon, including Mexico. Definitely a good idea to get to where you want to be when it arrives. About the resources though, don't fool yourself into thinking that Canada is prepared or particularly well-educated - the health system is not capable of handling even small numbers of patients who require quarantine (even if only from the medical staff and the public, not each other). Canadians in particular believe that the government should do everything for them and - ahem - look at the government). You want to be able to look after yourself (i.e. if you're going to take those damn statins, get them now).*
With respect to the NKF meeting, I give it about an 75% chance of going ahead given its March date, but attendance will be impacted. A month later, it would most likely be a cancellation as an in-person event and become virtual.
* Just kidding. I know you're not. A sign that you think for yourself.