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Message: BRD2 involvement in Covid19

I can't hold my digital tongue any longer here.....although I often disagree with CCD, in this case I'm basically just reading and nodding my head to what he just posted.  THIS IS NUTS!!!  

Kids are calling coronavirus the "boomer remover", and while inventing that term won't win anyone a Nobel prize, its pretty bang on the money.  I just read about a study done on deaths in Italy and overwhelmingly the poeple falling victim to Covid are the elderly, especially those who also have medical conditions like diabetes, cvd, pah and the like.  


Our society has such a fear of dying,

I've heard people, when asked their age, say something like: "I'm eighty three years....young".  We can't even say the world old.  And now instead of funerals we have celebrations of life, ugh, we're in total denial as a culture.  Everyone on this planet is suffering from a terminal illness called life, and the mortality rate is 100%.  

So now we're turning society upside down so that some 75 year old whose battery is down to its last 10% can have another few years in a wheelchair.  No wonder so many old people are ignoring all the social distancing advice.  If I was 75 and suffering from Diabetes....I would too, cripes I might only have 5 or so years left, and each passing year is worse than the one before.  "What's that sonny, you want me to skip going to the Fleetwood Mac reunion show"?  "Shut the front door, I ain't gonna live forever"!


In Canada Prime Minister Selfie is talking about $80 billion in borrowed money being thrown at this, in the US with President Multiple Bankruptcies they're talking about a trillion.  Not to save lives though, but rather to flatten the curve so the death toll is more manageable.  Why not take $5 billion and convert some hotels into temporary hospitals/pallalitive care centres....maybe get Fleetwood Mac to tour them.  And meanwhile leave the young and otherwise healthy to enjoy their lives, and if they get Covid....oh well, some of them will get the flu too.

I know it sounds callous, but jimeney crickets this is getting out of hand....they're talking about the possibility of martial law in Canada, brining in the Extreme Measures Act...a reworked version of the old War Measures Act.  Civil liberties?  Not if you sneeze.  

Peace, God bless and be well, none of us is going to live forever.  


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