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Message: Is this bad for RVX but right, on the money?

RVX still waiting for an announcement  on any organizations who are interesting in seeking collaborations in testing therapies for SARS co-v 2. ????  Hey Donny , how about someone form the company or one of the Billionaire investors  of RVX , (there are 1 or 2 i think)  reach out to the Gates Foundation to see if they are interested in throwing around a few million to see if Apabetalone can help suppresss or stop the virus.  We already know BRD2/4 acts as a binding partner of protein E and its rvx 208 is known to inhibit expression of ACE2 .  A collaboration with the  Gates Foundations who are investing Billions in Covid research would do wonders to the SP immediately,  Does seem to far of a stretch for the foundation to have some interest or another organization.....

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