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Message: Inflammation revisited
The more one reads, the more one wonders about our potential with the therapeutic cocktail approach here in the early stages?
And, if that doesn't pan out - having listened to some of those COVID-19 survivors tell their stories, my impression is that some of them still sound half dead weeks later. Maybe they would benefit from a few months on apabetalone once they emerge from the other end of this nightmarish tunnel!
To add to that article:
Inflammation of those endothelial cells lining blood vessels may help explain why the virus harms so many parts of the body, said Mandeep Mehra, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and one of the authors of the Lancet study on how covid-19 attacks blood vessels.
That means defeating covid-19 will require more than antiviral therapy, he said.




“What this virus does is it starts as a viral infection and becomes a more global disturbance to the immune system and blood vessels — and what kills is exactly that,” Mehra said. “Our hypothesis is that covid-19 begins as a respiratory virus and kills as a cardiovascular virus.”




The thinking of kidney specialists has evolved along similar lines. Initially, they attributed widespread and severe kidney disease to the damage caused by ventilators and certain medications given to intensive-care patients, said Daniel Batlle, a professor of medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.




Then they noticed damage to the waste-filtering kidney cells of patients even before they needed intensive care. And studies out of Wuhan found the pathogen in the kidneys themselves, leading to speculation the virus is harming the organ.




“There was nothing unique at first,” Batlle said. But the new information “shows this is beyond the regular bread-and-butter acute kidney injury that we normally see.”



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