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Message: The market does not believe much of an SP increase coming at the open

Busy on the American side also ... as of 10:14 there have been 45,930 shares traded against a daily average of 57,885 with virtually no change in pps, less than half a penny gain. Seems like the past few weeks have had a lot of days like this, but with the pps gradually going down continuously on certain days.

Sometimes I wish I had studied finance to understand what is going on, but I doubt that would help either, as there are no real fundamentals and flaky/whimsical technicals. It's just still a speculative entrepreneurial type story that realistically could take a HUGE turn in one direction or another at any time, at this point.

The pessimists look at financing issues, silence, empty promises, and 10-20 years of hype turning into fumbles at the goal line. And it's all real.

The optimists (me) look at knowledge and progress inching forward on the road traveled, a huge unmet market need, a new class of therapy and leadership on that frontier, and feel that safety, a BTD, speculative "partnering" talk and hints will mean something big, sooner or later. But what about opporunity cost also, that's a real consideration also.

This "thing" could end up anywhere. Don could say anything, everything, or nothing, and it likely won't matter. Still comes down to 1) keeping the lights on from within the real money people, 2) regulatory status, path, next steps, 3) and BP arrangement(s).

If we are to believe Don/IR, all of those things are being addressed and negotiated. But, what will be actually updated/disclosed? ... million (actually billions) dollar question. Radio silence so far has been both impressive from a corporate POV, and maddening from an investor POV. Cautiously optimistic for something "material" from Don (and those guiding him) or the optics will look pretty bad given the timing, progress points, and corporate statments from the past 3-6 months. There will be a lot to learn from this call, in one form or another.

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