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Message: Re: Press release
Jun 09, 2020 08:49AM

Yeah disappointing that there is apparently nothing new that potentially directly indicates apabetalone specifically for CKD? However, more fuel to the fire that apabetalone looks like a fantastic option potentially for preventing MACE in those patients with TB2 + CKD?

So maybe not a wonder drug for multiple things, but more definition/support for indication for a specific thing (MACE) in specific type patients, in combination with other state-of-the-art therapies?

Cardio/MACE (with TB2 + CKD) still a sizable market. Plus the best chance for regulatory approval, BP buy out, and marketability, is for the indication to be well understood, something that trial failures leave as open ended questions. So, the potential good news and upside is for designing/constructing the next trial with specific targets that are fine tuned for actual success. Targeting a specific group, with a significant unmet need and market value that is quantifiable, for both RVX and a BP (for a deal), rather than unquantifiable pie-in-the-sky for RVX and knowledge deficits and uncerainties (aka significant "risk") for BP.

IOW, maybe some of this data will down shift RVX to a deal size/shape that is digestible for a BP, and provide enough "big picture" and promise for BP to take a bite (or plunge)?

It syill looks like a GREAT drug, just maybe not quite as wide ranging and "mysterious" as hoped? ... with a library of 2-3000 other molecules that can be customized to other epigenetic applications/indications, if the FIRST one can EVER get approved and accepted.

Just my take (and "spin"?) ..... 

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