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Message: FDA meeting confirmed

Tex ... thought he said June 2 ... and that it went "very" well ... waiting on "formal" letter from FDA ... nothing official, yet, but that would be good news.

We could look at this as a "nothing burger" but waiting on a formal FDA letter, with deals/arrangements pending with partner(s) is a big deal if true and not "imagined ... and there really isn't anything you can really say till they materialize. 

In short, this was a "brush my hair" web conference, but it sounds like some thing are further down the path, for formalization and disclosure. 

Not expecting much positive action from this for the pps, but with the hedge fund finishing up its business, and some other positive news coming (hopefully), I'm still feeling okay ... just won't be quitting my job yet this Friday, and I need to stop payment on that boat and condo in Cancun asap ...

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