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Message: Still waiting for that BETonMACE CKD sub-study 7 months later

BKC and Tundup thanks for your perspective on my post. I still find it odd that they don't just post the eGFR numbers. 

As far as the posts regarding management go.  In short I completely agree with everyone's frustration and anger towards management, they are brutal.  I think if I had to choose one key word to generally describe Resverlogix as a company in the 13/14 years I have been holding/trading it, that word would be "uncertainty".  Pretty much the antithesis of what investors are largely looking for.  The company has been chronically underfunded and poorly presented to the investing world for years and it is no surprise that when you add the uncertainty of the times to management uncertainty that you wind up with such a pitiful market cap. 

With all the IP from study results and a Breakthrough Therapy Designation for a high value indication I still think the science holds a great deal of value. If management can muster up a clearer go forward picture we may see a significant rerating of this stock. JMO

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