I sent DM this question: Question, knowing Apabetalone reduces the effect of Type II Diabetes, would the new tests include those patients with Type II. In our local paper, the article stated that a patient with Diabetes is ten times more likely to die from COVID 19.
DM's response:
Regarding your Type II Diabetes question, all of the patients in BETonMACE 2 will be diabetes. One of the reasons that diabetes are more susceptible to Covid 19 is that Covid uses the ACE 2 receptor to enter human cell’s. Diabetes patients and other sick people have more ACE 2 receptors than healthy people. We do believe that we will have a Covid -19 impact for the ACE 2 reason as well as the BRD4 relationship to the virus as well.
Believe this is great news for RVX. Hopefully the length of the test will be greatly reduced due to the urgency caused by COVID 19. Maybe this message with bring awareness of the additional benefit and raise the PPS. Looking ahead to brighter days, To all, Stay Safe, Sidebar.