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Message: Thinking back on an older discussion and wishing we had an update - Few items

The debenture extension is good overall, provides breathing room (assuming cash flows remain adequate during the period) for waiting/negotiating out the right deal. Also shows "staying" power to potential suitors who may be trying to "club the baby seal" aka RVX. On the downside, I am ready for a "deal" also, like everyone else, so a little concerned that this may keep things "quiet" for a while longer than hoped?! ... not sure though, because the patent/commercialization clock is still ticking, and that is "value" seeping away every day for RVX, a BP potentially, and we Joe Retailers ... hopefully the urgency remains for getting BoM2 organized & started and thru BoM2 for all involved. Time is money.

NASDAQ hypothetical - let's say a partnering deal occurs at some point down he road, and pps quickly appreciates upward to say $4-5 ish (U.S.) for example? ... is the Naz a realistic possibility if we are under a partnering/development deal, with a likely purchase option included upon milestones? I mean, I would love a partnering deal and then a listing on the Naz for obvious short term benefits including visibility and pps appreciation, and some longgg awaited potential profit taking along the way, etc. However, not sure that this would jive with the likely spirit of a long term BP partnering/purchase deal? But I guess any potential purchase option would have pre-defined purchase price/structure as part of a partnering/development/purchasing deal? So, regardless of current/future pps, the likely pre-defined purchase criteria and pricing parameters (upon milestones?) would prevail regardless of the pps at the time, unless future market price is part of the calculus? Just seems weird that a BP would invest in development toward a future purchase, in a way that will drive up their future cost? - has to be a reward provision for the initial investments and support that get the ball across the goal line? Thoughts?

Just pondering some possibilities and potential strategies along the way, if/when some more good things happen. I realize deals can be written in a myriad of ways, with many scenarios, criteria, hypotheticals calculated. "IF" a partnering/development/purhase deal with a BP occurs in the future, which appreciates the pps hypothetically, ... then Naz or no-Naz?

Any of our more savvy traders and business people here have any strong thoughts/opinions/experience in that hypothetical?


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