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Message: someone had a nice dump this morning,,,


in response to   by 
posted on Aug 09, 2020 10:30PM

"Lots happening behind the scenes "Fuzzy".

Patience required!

One day , in the not to distant future,

both you and I will be able to afford

a home with 8 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms,

No less,  Lol

go RVX"


Some sound advice from the resident cheerleader around a year ago. 

What happened?

You blast posters for posting their legitimate frustration with this management team over & over but it's all right for you to repeatedly spew/pump things over & over again that never happen?

People have lost big money hand over fist here & you lash out at them for pointing out regularly what a frick up this has been? & they do it with FACTS i might add.

I actually gave u like on that post as I believed you were most likely correct.

 I think it's important to realize just how much trust Dm/pumpers/positive story tellers have lost.

Many people have lost a lot of money/small fortunes while he lives like a king & moves like a snail - can you understand why there is so much frustration & just a tad of tension around these parts?

 - I know DM's a nice fella & I'm sure you are too. It's just most are a little fatigue & PO at the never ending forward statements ,NR's & rumours that all fall on their face.

If they could just clean up their messaging & start meeting some time lines.

Crystal Clear Communications would be wonderful.

 The first ten years in this thing i was one fo the biggest fans,"patience"oh ya it was there at one time but ive used up my quota.


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