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Message: Re: Don's latest presentation
Sep 22, 2020 06:40AM
Sep 22, 2020 06:57AM
Sep 22, 2020 08:50AM
Sep 22, 2020 09:26AM
Sep 22, 2020 01:01PM
Sep 22, 2020 06:02PM
Sep 22, 2020 06:37PM


Totally agree.  Don has to walk a fine line with hoping the science backs up his sentiment. When P3 failed it was like a sucker punch to him I'm sure and well all of us for that matter.  

But time and time again he/RVX has actually figured out a new path forward given the latest discovery. 

Make no mistake about it...BP won't bite on RVX until it is as de-risked as RVX alone can achieve.  No doubt in my mind about that.  

And so that's where I believe we are right now.  As de-risked as RVX is capable of achieving.  

And if I'm Don, I'm talking to as many BP partners who will listen.  Just because we are on fumes does NOT mean we hold no cards.  We do.  And many.  And Don will use every card he is holding in his hand.  Wouldn't we all?

So time will tell but not too much more time to wait anymore in my mind.  I do think we are at a point that this needs to come to a conclusion by about years end.  

So let's all aford Don the opportunity to do what he actually does do best.  Sell this story to the highest bidder. 

Tic Tic...

Sep 22, 2020 08:05PM
Sep 22, 2020 08:12PM
Sep 22, 2020 08:49PM
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