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Message: Rules of thumb and broken thumbs...

would be around 10% of the OS count trading in a single day.  

Grow, remember that 65% or more stock is held by insiders, not available for day trading.  better to gage interest using the float.  35% of 214M, about 75M shares are available for day trading.  now take 10%, 7.5 M share day, I am really interested.  believe that is a better signal of open market interest.  Even 1%, 750k would be a good day.  that 75M shares should be reduced by those staying very long.  Have no idea, but those long must be large.  The daily volume is so low, those long must be many.  Who in our forum can review the shorts, pitty them, there is no limit to their loss.  When they cover, good for long.  when many more become interested, look for bigger daily gains.  float is just too small.

Much discussion if this current run will stick, not sure, would guess though, BP has found interest in RVX.  It is something that we have known, maybe forgotten, in the real value of ABL?  Maybe our medical team has a clue.  Time is running on the patent, not in our favor.

How high will SP go, great question.  When will DM call a general meeting or make an announcement?  When DM calls, look for SP to jump. Everyone is waiting.  Everyone.  Believe DM will enjoy a very well deserved holiday this year.  So will we.  Cheers to all!



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