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Message: speaking of "general"

general360 3 wrote this over on SH - he sums up many feelings a lot of us have IMO:


"well, i wouldnt say that i'm not upset...QT, why arent u?  i can think of quite a few reasons for ordinary, rational people to be mad/upset/feel miseld, but can also think of quite a few why u wouldnt be:

1- u arent invested here
2- u didnt actually take the time to listen to any of DM's recent presentations.  you clearly missed KEY comments "Oh, but we do"  (11+ months ago?)
3- the most recent presentation, u know, the one where he said as of yesterday he was quite pleased.
4- deal imminent, u know, by year end, like what DM said.

5- u dont have losses on paper right now that look like -80%.  actually, i have over 25 tax lots now and the overwhelming majorty of them are all down at least min -60+ % DOWN, RED. MINUS.

6 - based on the most recent presentation, "Quite happy as of yesterday" - as much as ive been hating on this stock, with the recent rise and what i took to be POSITIVE, i bought 2 more lots.  now, thanks to management, i'm down close to 30 goddammm %.  AGAIN. in 1+ weeks!

7- WTF changed from "as of yesterday quite pleased", and now a couple weeks later, we're announcing mafia financing, from a Foreign entity to boot.  non standard terms.  but what is clear is that it's about ANOTHER 10% DILUTION.  it buys us absolutely NOTHING.  a few months of some very well paid but NOT PRODUCING "BUSINESMEN".  it does nothing to remove the ORI overhang and claim on IP.  does NOTHING to even partially finance BOM2.

8 - how about the 33% DROP from our recent highs of 1.50+, now we're around 1$?  that's a 33% LOSS

9 - how about the fact that we're flirting with SUB 1 DOLLA-DOLLA bill y'all.  According to u, should all shareholders be pleased with this?  are you?  Are you even a bagholder here? bet we slide under $1 today, tomorrow at the latest.

10- how about the fact that we've got this supposedly awesome BTD from the motherlovin FDA, and we've all seen those slick articles indicating this should be worth 8 freakin BILLION dollars?  some people even whispering we might have 2 BTD?

11- how about the fact that we've never, ever, ever hit any deadline that has been put forth?  I didnt put forth any timelines.  these came from the company, they made them, they blew thru them.

12- how come i have to worry that the company can't raise sufficient funds?  how come the company has to put the IP on the line? TWICE!?!?!?!?

13 - yes, we're BROKE.  we all know it.  management danced and hid that and wouldnt file the annual docs.  then they did.  its a total embarrassment and never shoudve got to this point. disgraceful. how did we ever get to 1.5$ recently?  why do we even sit at 1$ given that we're broke, have how much in the accounts payable column? we're broke, AND in the hole, AND our IP is pledged.

14- DILUTION.  DILUTION.  DILUTION.  how much more?

do i really need to go on?  opinion yes.  we've all got one.  one of my only takeaways from last night VEEP debates "you're entitled to your opinion, you aren't entitled to your own facts".  from what i'm reading, we're all pleased as i am!  we're all working from the same set of FACTS.  Not alternative facts.  cold, hard, smak-in-yer-face FACTS.

the above are FACT.  i didnt make anything up!  there should be OPEN REBELLION. management has consistently FAILED.  we need an activist shareholder to challenge the status quo!

BUT:  Allllllll will be forgiven if we hit one out of the park. he11, i'll even apologize. 
HOWEVER, as of now, it looks like we're never going to get there. they say allllllllll the right things in slick presentations.  then they go ahead and do the exact opposite.  recent events are 100% contradictory to the presenatations. pure and simple....

i am only mad at myself.  do i want to pull the trigger and crystalize 6 figure losses and actually sell?.. my anger grows with my losses.  my anger is commensurate with the size of my investment. 

if u aint angry, then u dont have skin, or enuf skin, in this game.

i'm wondering about the feasibility of this latest PP.  3 or so months to closing; why would i want to close on something that's 33% LESS than where i bought in?  are those warrants juicy enuf to offset the MINUS THIRTY PERCENT?

or is this just for show? 

1- are we in trouble AGAIN with the TSX cause we're BROKE? and this'll satisfy on paper, the listing requirements?

2 - is this just a line in the sand for BP - close the deal by Jan 15 2021 or we complete the selling of our souls to China?

3- who the eff would invest 10M US in something that's tied up IP-wise?  Must be ORI since they're the one's who hog tied us!  imagine that!  Good ole Calgary boys, hog tied like its ur very first stampede.....

fantastic job management.  clear as mud, can't see past todays closing price.

glad the AGM is virtual, saves my a trip to calgary.  i'll be on.  hope you're taking questions."


we have this yet but nothing dm has promised/said has ever happened so ..."4- deal imminent, u know, by year end, like what DM said."

It's very easy to understand the frustration IMO


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