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Message: A Second Publication Shortlists Resverlogix Clinical Candidate Apabetalone for its Potential COVID-19 Effectiveness Including Reducing Cytokine Storms

Re: A Second Publication Shortlists Resverlogix Clinical Candidate Apabetalone for its Potential COVID-19 Effectiveness Including Reducing Cytokine Storms

posted on Oct 26, 2020 11:00AM

Ha Dude, you must be in a good mood this monday morning. 

You are giving DM another reason to not have deal done by year end. My optomistic self is hoping the 2020 timeline set by DM will occur, my realistic self is waiting for Don's next reason for the delay of a deal being signed. Any deal with BP will most likely be a partnership and COVID can be carved out or factored into a future revenue formula so i doubt RVX is dragging out anything, it would be BP doing the dragging or moving.

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