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Message: So let’s say Zen is also continuing to work on a deal(s)

Buck- eye agree Ori conversion is huge.  $13M isn't chump change to take a risk on this obscure biotech. Plus they have a guy on the board!  Duh!  While nothing is a guarantee, imo this is as close to one as we're going to get.

Also, DM told fouremm last year that he figured RVX was worth $4B.  Add another $2B for the BTD and you get $6B.  Add another $1B for the FDA approved trial and you get $7B.  Then take off $2B for the overall underpowered trial results and you are back to $5B.  So, I can't see any 'discussions/negotiations' taking place with BP that don't revolve somewhere around this number.  A partnership deal may only involve a couple of hundred million but then there would have to be discussions around what the company would be worth if the next trial is a success.  My guess is start at $5B and go up from there.  That is probably where we are at.....and talking that kind of money takes time.  Also we are in Covid and election time, which doesn't help speed up the process.

Being an investor in RVX requires an inexhaustible supply of patience but it will probably reward those that have it.

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