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Message: How many of the RVX.WT's have been exercise?

Buckeyes - What a great question. 

I have said in the past that the devil will be in the details. The 1st question would be; What caused the share price to get to your target price? For eg. if there was a buyout offer for an amount much higher than your target then it's an easy change of mind. If it's a partnership arrangement with proformance targets then studying the targets for reality is critical. The BTD alone in theory is worth around $8.3 billion on average however this is not an orphan situation that many drugs that get a BTD average out at. 

It's a pretty good bet that any company that is going to put up a big chuck of change will want one or more seats at the table to keep an eye on their investment. That alone will change the dynamics of the company that we own shares of. Having oversight by a BP with skin in the game and boatload of depth behind them is massive all on its own. IMO adding business oversight to this technology is worth a lot more than many could even fathom.

To walk away with no regrets for me, somewhere between $16 and $32 per share. In reality though if the devil in the details says $1 or $100 then that judgement will be made at that time.

I can say without hesitation that I have set targets in the past that were made on information prior to seeing the devil in the details and was very sorry afterwards. With that in mind I don't think it is realistic to set a price target without more information on what made the share price go from here to there in the first place.



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